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Brief about the services rendered


S. Sahoo & Co. is a firm of Chartered Accountants providing professional services in the following areas.

·       Audit

1.     Statutory

2.     Internal

3.     Tax

4.     Forensic

5.     Management

6.     Propriety

7.     Process

8.     Stock

9.     Investigation


·       Accounting

1.  Preparation and Maintenance of Accounting and Financial Records of Organizations in Manual & Computerized Environment.

2.       Conversion of Single-Entry Basis of Accounting Systems of Urban Local Bodies, NGOs etc to Double Entry Accounting Systems.

3.      Development of financial package (software) for organization for accounting and stores departments.

4.      Payroll Management & Processing 


·       Others 

1.       Preparation of Project Reports & Financing of Projects.

2.       Monitoring & Evaluation of the Projects.

3.       System review and implementation

4.       Financial & Management services,

5.       Corporate Laws

6.       EPF, ESIC, Labour Laws.

7.       Income Tax, Sales Tax and Central Excise Consultancy work.

8.       Registration of Trust, Societies, Firms & Companies

9.       FCRA & Income Tax related to Trust, Societies & Co-operative   Societies & Section-8 Companies.

10.   Matters relating to Registrar of Companies i.r.o companies & FCRA Matters relating to NGOs

11. Other ancillary and related matters

12. Investigation

13. Due diligence

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